The thriller black comedy series The Kidnapping Day is set to premiere on Prime Video worldwide. The K-drama, produced by AStory, is based on the novel of the same name by Jung Hae-Yeon, and will feature 12 episodes.
The Kidnapping Day tells the story of clumsy kidnapper Kim Myeong-Jun, who decides to capture a child genius for ransom. He accidentally hits the girl, Choi Ro-Hee, with his car and decides to take her home. The accident causes Ro-Hee to lose her memory, and she assumes Myeong Jun is her father. Amidst all that, there are some unexpected deaths that arise, and the two must work together to solve them.
According to Prime Video: “There will be thrilling twists and laughs along the way as the pair seek the truth behind the mysteries and murder.” The K-drama boasts a stellar cast, including a young newcomer in the lead role.
The Cast of The Kidnapping Day
Actor-singer Yoon Kye-Sang takes on the role of the desperate Kim Myeong-Jun. He decides to kidnap Ro-Hee in order to get money to pay for his daughter’s hospital bills. Despite the circumstances, he feels a connection to Ro-Hee and tries to care for her. Yoon Kye-Sang will undoubtedly be able to make the audience sympathize with this unique, layered character. He was last seen in Kiss Sixth Sense and Spiritwalker.
Playing the role of Roo-Hee in The Kidnapping Day is young newcomer Yoo Na. The bubbly young girl beat out over 500 candidates for the part, and holds her own amongst her more experienced co-stars. Her natural talent shines as she brings the cynical and brilliant Ro-Hee to life.
Fresh from his success as one of the villains in The Glory, Park Sung-Hoon shows his range by playing detective Park Sang-Yun. His character is tasked with investigating the kidnapping, and is hunting both Myeong-Jun and Ro-Hee. Park Sung-Hoon’s next role will be in Season 2 of Squid Game.
Rising actress Kim Shin-Rok stars as Seo Hye-Eun, Myong-Jun’s ex-wife who suggested that he kidnap Ro-Hee. We have yet to learn her feelings about Myeong-Jun’s new situation, as well as her feelings about Ro-Hee. This is Kim Shin-Rok’s latest production after Reborn Rich; she will also reprise her role on Season 2 of Hellbound, this time as a lead character.
The Kidnapping Day airs Sept 13, 2023 on Prime Video, with new episodes every Wednesday and Thursday.