The sudden demise of singer Park Bo-Ram at 30 has shocked the entertainment community. She was found unconscious in a friend’s bathroom on April 11, KST. Police are now investigating the cause and have requested an autopsy from the National Forensic Service.
Combating Misinformation
Following her death, numerous YouTube videos and online posts have speculated irresponsibly about her last hours. These posts falsely claim bizarre behaviour and poisoning. On April 14, KST, Xanadu Entertainment announced it would take strong legal action against such defamation. The agency stated that spreading such lies is like attacking Park’s dignity after her death. They committed to pursuing all legal avenues post-funeral.
Autopsy Results Released
Xanadu Entertainment shared autopsy results on April 15, revealing no signs of murder or suicide. This official statement aims to put an end to the rumours and allow respectful mourning. The agency and police urge public patience and respect as they continue their investigation.
This approach maintains the integrity of Park Bo-Ram’s legacy and supports a factual understanding of the tragic event.
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