Netflix's latest K-drama offering, The Trunk, premieres today on Netflix. The highly-anticipated series is based on a successful novel by Kim Ryeo-Ryeong. The series...
Actor Ji Chang-Wook has shared his experience working with singer BIBI for the second time in the Disney+ Hotstar crime-thriller series, Gangnam B-Side. The...
Disney+ has confirmed that the hit Korean series Moving will return for a second season, following its global success as the platform’s top-ranked Korean...
Moon Ga-Young and Lee Jong-Suk join forces for the upcoming legal series Seocho-Dong. This exciting pairing have both stars taking on dynamic lawyer roles...
Light Shop, an upcoming K-drama based on Kang Full's popular webtoon Shop of the Lamp, stars Ju Ji-Hoon and Park Bo-Young in a suspenseful, supernatural storyline....