Actress Han Ji-Min recently shared her heartfelt thoughts on the conclusion of JTBC's hit series, Behind Your Touch. The show, which has captivated audiences...
Episode 15
In the gripping Episode 15 of Behind Your Touch from Netflix, Sun-Woo finds himself in a life-or-death struggle against a serial killer shrouded...
Episode 13
The 13th instalment of Behind Your Touch plunges into the enigmatic night that led to Ju-Man's untimely death. Dr. Jung accidentally discovers the cloaked...
Netflix K-Drama series have a magnetic charm that has enchanted viewers globally. What makes these Korean romance series so irresistible? Let's hear it from...
Episode 7 of Behind Your Touch opens with a somber atmosphere, following Seung-Gil's death. This event sets off a cascade of interconnected relationships and clandestine affairs....
In Episode 4 of Behind Your Touch, the stakes are higher than ever with Jang-Yeol is on a mission to climb the ranks. He sees Ye-Bun's unique psychic abilities as...
The cast of the K-drama Behind Your Touch sport serious expressions in new promotional photos released by Netflix. Cast members Lee Min-Ki, Han Ji-Min...
The South Korean television industry is a vibrant and competitive landscape. A recent post on drama ratings has revealed some fascinating shifts, particularly about...