Prime Video has announced that the unscripted show Jinny's Kitchen 2, which involves a cast of famous actors opening and running a Korean restaurant...
Variety program Apartment404, starring Yu Jae-Seok, Cha Tae-Hyun, Oh Na-Ra, Yang Se-Chan, Jennie of BLACKPINK, and Lee Jung-Ha, is generating a lot of buzz...
In an exclusive email interview with HallyuBeat, Kim Ji-Hoon delves into his chilling portrayal of a psychopath killer, Park Tae-U, in the hit series...
In an exclusive email interview with HallyuBeat, Seo In-Guk, the multifaceted star of K-drama series Death's Game, shares his insights and experiences from the...
Imagine this: you've poured your heart into your marriage, only to discover your husband's been cheating with your best friend. Devastated, you vow revenge,...
January 2024 is a thrilling month for K-Drama fans. It offers romance, thrillers, and comedies. Heartwarming love stories, suspenseful dramas, and delightful comedies await....
Director Ha Byung-Hoon, Seo In-Guk, Park So-Dam, Kim Ji-Hoon, Choi Si-Won, Sung Hoon, Kim Kang-Hoon, Jang Seung-Jo, Lee Jae-Wook, Go Yoon-Jung, Kim Jae-Wook, and...
Prime Video's latest fantasy rom-com series, My Man Is Cupid, starring Jang Dong-Yoon and NANA, has been captivating audiences worldwide since its release on...