The episode opens with a dramatic twist as Hyun-Woo is involved in a serious accident, initially suspected to be orchestrated by Eun-Seong. Rushed to...
Episode 11 of Queen of Tears begins moments after Hae-In's devastating confession about her terminal illness at the press conference. The revelation sends shockwaves...
As Hyun-Woo (Kim Soo-Hyun) and Hae-In (Kim Ji-Won) face the fallout of their divorce, their emotional turmoil is palpable. Despite their separation, facilitated by...
In the final episode, Hae-In confronts the harsh reality of Hyun-Woo's perceived betrayal, leading her to question the foundation of their marriage. Amidst this...
Episode 7 of Queen of Tears unfolds with Hae-In struggling with the reveal of Hyun-Woo's divorce intentions. This breaks the fragile peace they've found...
Episode 5 of Queen of Tears resumes with the emotional closeness shared between Hyun-Woo and Hae-In, showing a tender moment under the rain. Hyun-Woo's...