In an exclusive email interview with HallyuBeat, Seo In-Guk, the multifaceted star of K-drama series Death's Game, shares his insights and experiences from the...
Director Ha Byung-Hoon, Seo In-Guk, Park So-Dam, Kim Ji-Hoon, Choi Si-Won, Sung Hoon, Kim Kang-Hoon, Jang Seung-Jo, Lee Jae-Wook, Go Yoon-Jung, Kim Jae-Wook, and...
Here is our K-pop news roundup for December 14, 2023. We've got the latest from the Korean Entertainment industry. Let's dive right in.
Seungri Celebrates...
South Korean superstars Seo In-Guk and Lee Sung-Kyung have signed on for the upcoming K-Drama In Your Brilliant Season. This 16-episode mini-series, as reported...
In this feature, we'll explore the fascinating journey of successful K-pop idols who have seamlessly branched out into acting. These K-pop idols turned actors...