In the gripping season finale of The Vigilante, the narrative unfolds with the mysterious disappearance of Choi Mi-Ryeo, following her abduction by Mr. Bang,...
The episode opens with Ji-Yong heroically rescuing Officer Cho-Heon from Mr. Bang and his accomplice. Ji-Yong's headline-making rescue of Cho-Heon inspires him to consider...
Vigilante Episode 6 resumes with a gripping scene where Cho-Heon confronts Ji-Yong, offering him a stark choice: perish as the Vigilante or join forces...
Vigilante Episode 4 opens with Detective Cho-Heon at the hospital, delving into the mysterious circumstances surrounding the ahjumma killer's fate. His investigation, however,...
Vigilante Episode 3, titled opens with a compelling narrative where individuals, inspired by the Vigilante, decide to enforce justice themselves. This episode explores...
Episode 2 of Vigilante begins with the news of Deuk-Heung's death sending ripples through the media. The police, grappling with the aftermath, delve...